@extends('layouts.app') @section('title', __('sale.invoice')) @section('content')
{{-- CSRF Protection --}} @csrf {{-- Holds PUT method if Edit operation, else holds POST if Sale Order converting to Sale --}} @if($sale->operation == 'convert') @method('POST') @else @method('PUT') @endif {{-- Hold Sale Id if Edit operation, Sale Order Id if Sale Order converting to Sale --}} @if($sale->operation == 'convert') @if($sale->converting_from == 'Sale Order') @else @endif @else @endif {{-- Holds "update" method if Edit operation, else holds "convert" if Sale Order converting to Sale --}}
{{ __('sale.details') }}
@endif @if(app('company')['tax_type'] == 'gst')
{{ __('item.items') }}
{{ __('app.action') }} {{ __('item.item') }} {{ __('item.serial') }} {{ __('item.batch_no') }} {{ __('item.mfg_date') }} {{ __('item.exp_date') }} {{ __('item.model_no') }} {{ __('item.mrp') }} {{ __('item.color') }} {{ __('item.size') }} {{ __('app.qty') }} {{ __('unit.unit') }} {{ __('app.price_per_unit') }} {{ __('app.discount') }} {{ __('tax.tax') }} {{ __('app.total') }}
No items are added yet!!
{{ __('app.total') }} 0 0
@if(app('company')['is_enable_secondary_currency']) @endif
{{ __('app.grand_total') }}
{{ __('currency.converted_to') }}
{{ __('payment.previously_paid') }}
{{ __('payment.balance') }}
{{ __('payment.history') }}
@php $total = 0; @endphp @forelse ($paymentHistory as $payment) @php $total+=$payment['amount']; @endphp @empty @endforelse
{{ __('payment.transaction_date') }} {{ __('payment.receipt_no') }} {{ __('payment.payment_type') }} {{ __('payment.amount') }} {{ __('app.action') }}
{{ $payment['transaction_date'] }} {{ $payment['reference_no'] }} {{ $payment['type'] }} {{ $formatNumber->formatWithPrecision($payment['amount']) }}
{{ __('payment.no_payment_history_found') }}
{{ __('app.total') }} {{ $formatNumber->formatWithPrecision($total) }}
{{ __('payment.payment') }}
@include("modals.service.create") @include("modals.expense-category.create") @include("modals.payment-type.create") @include("modals.item.serial-tracking") @include("modals.item.batch-tracking-sale") @include("modals.party.create") @include("modals.item.create") @include("modals.sale.order.load-sold-items") @endsection @section('js') @endsection